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LWV Of Midland

Community Leaders

Emily Holeva, President
Karmen and Billy Bryant, Membership Chair

League ID


Stories from Around the State

In early September 2021, Texas Governor Greg Abbot signed Senate Bill 1 (SB1) into law. This anti-voter legislation makes it virtually impossible for certain voters to cast their ballots. 

Yet shockingly, the situation was almost worse. If not for pro-voter advocacy by the Texas League and other voting rights allies, even more restrictive policies might have been enacted, further disempowering Texans and degrading the promise of democracy.

LWV of Texas filed a lawsuit against the state of Texas, challenging Senate Bill 1, an omnibus anti-voter bill expected to be signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott.

The US Supreme Court declined to rule on a Texas law that bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy LWV of the US Board President Dr. Deborah Ann Turner and LWV of Texas President Grace Chimene issued a joint statement in response.

After more than five years of court battles, a settlement has been reached in litigation brought by Texas voters, the League of Women Voters of Texas and MOVE Texas against the state of Texas for violation of the National Voter Registration Act, commonly known as the ‘motor voter’ law. With this settlement, current and future Texans now have permanent protections safeguarding their right to register to vote any time they update their driver's license online.

The League of Women Voters of Texas filed an amicus curiae in In Re Chris Turner, et al. asking the Texas Supreme Court to void the Governor’s veto, highlighting the impact of Governor Abbott's veto of the legislative budget.

LWV of the United States and the Leagues of California, Florida, and Texas filed an amicus brief in New York v. Trump, a case which challenges President Trump’s executive order to block undocumented individuals from being counted in the U.S. Census.