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LWV Of Warren County

Community Leaders

Susan Swab, President
Michelle Gray, Membership Chair

League ID




Stories from Around the State

This op-ed was originally published in the Bucks County Herald.

Cathy Morano from the League of Women Voters of Bucks County, PA, wrote about the League's work as a nonpartisan, grassroots organization.

This story was originally published by Public News Service.

As the municipal primary election fast approaches, there is an urgent push for more voter education in Pennsylvania.

This story was originally published in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

The Black Political Empowerment Project partnered with the League of Women Voters of Greater Pittsburgh for a campaign educating currently or formerly incarcerated individuals of their voting rights.

Yesterday LWV of Pennslyvania filed a petition to join Pennsylvania's Attorney General lawsuit against state Senate Republicans’ attempt to obtain private information about registered voters.

“While today’s decision is deeply disappointing for the LGBTQIA+ community, it is significant that the Court did not create a broad license to discriminate against same-sex couple’s ability to adopt."

In the past year, The League signed on to numerous amicus briefs to defend the LGBTQ+ community from the wave of attacks on their rights. Many of these cases could set a precedent for discrimination against both LGBTQ+ and other marginized groups.