LWVUS Joined Comments in Support of ACS (Legal Document) 1/6/2025 LWVUS joined comments in support of OMB approving an extension of the American Community Survey (ACS) and Puerto Rico Community Survey (PRCS) programs.
LWVUS Urges Complete Census Data Collection (Legal Document) 11/14/2024 LWVUS joined coalition partners in urging the Census Bureau to conduct small-scale testing for collecting home addresses to count incarcerated people at home.
LWVUS Urges Voter Registration Opportunity on HealthCare.gov (Legal Document) 8/14/2024 LWVUS joined coalition partners in submitting comments to federal agencies in support of adding an opportunity to register to vote in the HealthCare.gov's health coverage application.
League joins comments to EAC on National Voter Registration Form (Legal Document) 7/22/2024 The League joined the Brennan Center for Justice and other groups on comments to the Election Assistance Commission regarding the Accessible Digital Form Filler Tool for the National Mail Voter…
LWVUS Joins Comments Supporting Census Bureau Testing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Measures on the American Community Survey (ACS) (Legal Document) 5/30/2024 The League of Women Voters of the United States joined public comments to the US Census Bureau supporting them conducting a test of sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) measures on the…
LWVUS Opposes Effort to Exclude Noncitizens from Apportionment Count (Legal Document) 5/7/2024 LWVUS and partners urged Congress to oppose H.R. 7109, the Equal Representation Act.
League joins ACLU, DEMOS in submitting Comments to CMS (Legal Document) 5/6/2024 The League joined the ACLU and Demos on a federal register notice from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
League joins call for disclosure of presidential campaign bundlers (Legal Document) 1/22/2024 LWVUS joined a coalition of groups calling calls on presidential candidates to reveal their campaign “bundlers.” This letter follows up on a similar letter sent by this cross-…
LWVUS Submits Comments on First Phase of Environmental Justice Scorecard (Legal Document) 1/19/2024 The League submitted comments to the Council on Environmental Quality in response to its request for information on Phase One of the Environmental Justice Scorecard, an executive order-directed…
LWVUS Urges Congress to Reject Unconstitutional Change to the Census (Legal Document) 12/5/2023 The League urged Congress to oppose an appropriations amendment that would exclude undocumented immigrants from the congressional apportionment calculation after each census.