Arctic Village Council v. Fenumiai (Legal Case) 1/24/2025 LWV of Alaska and co-plaintiffs filed a lawsuit in Alaska state court, arguing the lack of a notice and cure process for absentee ballots violated the Alaska Constitution.
Democracy Truth Project (Article) 1/8/2025 The Democracy Truth Project (DTP) is one of the four pillars of LWV’s “Women Power Democracy” campaign. Its goal is to provide the public with the information and tools to participate in…
LWVUS Joined Comments in Support of ACS (Legal Document) 1/6/2025 LWVUS joined comments in support of OMB approving an extension of the American Community Survey (ACS) and Puerto Rico Community Survey (PRCS) programs.
Katharine Biele wins The Salt Lake Tribune readers' voter for 2024 Utahn of the Year (News Clips) 12/26/2024 This was originally published by The Salt Lake Tribune.LWV of Utah's president Katharine Biele was voted by readers of The Salt Lake Tribune as 2024 Utahn of the Year.
League of Women Voters of Kansas v. Schwab (Legal Case) 12/13/2024 LWV Kansas sued in state court to overturn several laws restricting voter education, mailing advance ballot applications, delivering advance ballots, and tightening signature match requirements
The League's Top Achievements in 2024 (Blog) 12/11/2024 As we wrap up this year, I’m reflecting on some of our greatest successes of 2024. From unprecedented voter outreach to the launch of a new moonshot campaign to the return of an important state…
LWV Greeley-Weld County v. Weld County Board of Commissioners (Legal Case) 12/11/2024 LWV of Greeley-Weld County and the Latino Coalition of Weld County filed a state court lawsuit asserting the Weld County Commission violated state law when redrawing its districts
Disability Rights Wisconsin v. Wisconsin Elections Commission (absentee voting for voters with disabilities) (Legal Case) 12/10/2024 LWVWI filed suit to prohibit the enforcement of state statutes that blocked voters with disabilities from receiving, marking, and returning their absentee ballot electronically.
Missouri Court Permanently Strikes Down Unconstitutional Restrictions Criminalizing Voter Engagement Efforts (Press Release) 12/3/2024 Jefferson City, Mo. - A Cole County Circuit Court judge issued a permanent injunction against four provisions of Missouri House Bill 1878 that criminalized voter engagement efforts and chilled the…
Meta Platforms, Inc. v. State of Washington (Legal Case) 12/2/2024 LWV Washington filed an amicus brief supporting Washington’s disclosure requirements for online political advertising