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On Earth Day, I met with the Counselor to President Obama and the White House Office of Public Engagement, along with other advocates, to talk about the President’s Climate Action Plan.

The National Voter Registration Act requires public assistance agencies to provide voter registration opportunities to applicants, and the Health Benefit Exchanges are public assistance agencies.

Celebrate Earth Day with the League by telling the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to fight climate change.

In 2009, League members came together to develop the League’s Climate Change Task Force. Local and state Leagues are committed to addressing environmental concerns that arise in their communities.

We must let the EPA know that we need to act immediately to protect the future of our planet, including our lives and the lives of our children.

It's amazing what you see when you're taking a 3,000 mile walk! On March 1, climate change activists began walking east from Los Angeles. In November, we will finish our journey in Washington, DC.

A passionate volunteer mentality is in the League history, it’s in our blood. And I see it every day when I come to work and interact with the state and local Leagues across the country.

I’m always amazed about how much gets done for our democracy by volunteers and this week being National Volunteer Week causes me to stop and reflect on how thankful I am for the all volunteers who power our democracy.

Established in 1971, Lobby Corps convenes for briefings on League legislative priorities. They play a key role in promoting League issues and communicating our positions to Congress.

All year long, I work with League volunteers around the country, supporting their efforts to reach and help inform voters through our national voter information site,

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to empower voters and defend democracy.