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What the League has done to lead efforts on comprehensive immigration reform and gun control legislation.

We’re thankful for our members and supporters who work tirelessly to advocate for free, fair and accessible elections by registering voters, holding candidate debates and forums, fighting back against attacks on voting rights and more.

The League of Women Voters has challenged requirements that voters provide documentary proof-of-citizenship with their voter registration application forms in Kansas and Arizona.

North Carolina Gov. McCrory alleged that slashing early voting was just a way of “compacting the calendar,” but the League believes that cutting early voting is clear and simple voter suppression.

From organizing protests and petition drives to filing lawsuits and writing legislative testimony, a look at how the League of Women Voters has helped protect voting rights in 2013.

A look at the League's work to protect, engage and empower Americans of all backgrounds to exercise their right to vote.

The League has been working hard to reform the nation’s campaign finance system, protect our elections system and keep big money out of politics.

Yesterday, millions of Americans in states across the country cast ballots in some 5,500 local and state elections. Voters recognized that voting is your chance to stand up for what matters most, even during an “off-year” election.

The co-presidents of LWV Cuyahoga Area (OH) guest blog about their voter service work and their high school registration project in particular.

The League of Women Voters has been at the forefront of the environmental protection movement for decades, consistently supporting legislation to preserve our nation’s natural resources, prevent climate change and protect our public health.

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to empower voters and defend democracy.