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Voter Registration

Blocking the Vote (News Clips)

“... Elisabeth MacNamara, the president of the League of Women Voters of the United States, says, “The fact that this is being touted as a way of making the system more secure ... is just a false argument.”

 “This month, nearly 650 Berkeley County high school students registered to vote for the first time, thanks to the local chapter of the League of Women Voters. In Charleston County schools, the league signed up nearly 1,000 new 18-year-old voters. All of whom have proper ID, thank you very much.”

Students “sign up to vote at the League of Women Voters table earlier this month on North Lake [TX] College's Central Campus.”

Register, Then Vote (News Clips)

 “Members of The League of Women Voters of St. Mary’s County, of which [Katie] Werner is vice president, were out looking for people...last week, as they staffed voter registration tables at three buildings at CSM’s Leonardtown campus... The effort was fruitful, with the league walking away with 71 new registrations after the two days of work.”

 “The League of Women Voters of Florida, with four lawsuits now in place against the actions of state legislators, prepped members at the Governors Club in Tallahassee Tuesday night, with a demonstration planned at the Capitol on Wednesday.”

Published by League of Women Voters Education Fund. Helping America Vote provides recommendations that ensure provisional ballots serve their purpose.

“Critics, including the Michigan League of Women voters, AARP Michigan and the American Civil Liberties Union, said the bills would discourage voter participation.”

“The [SC] bill...would stop voter registration drives by creating burdensome regulations and stiff penalties for violations, up to $1,000. Voter registration drives are as traditional as Fourth of July parades, and they have been organized for generations by the League of Women Voters...”

“Opponents of the plan to require voters to submit a photo ID at the polls say they worry that it would eliminate election-day registration, which has helped drive up the state's [MN] voter turnout.”

 “'Such legislation would essentially legislate groups that sign up new voters through registration drives, like the League of Women Voters of South Carolina, out of existence’, said [SC] League president Barbara Zia.”