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This blog was originally published by United Way.

Gender equity is America is linked to women exercising the right to vote.

That was the takeaway last week, from the Women United Global Leadership Council's latest installment of our gender equity panel series. Moderated by the founder of Brave Philanthropist, Sophia Fifner, this panel included Kyra Miller from the National Women’s Law Center, Priestley Johnson of When We All Vote, and Jessica Jones Capparell from the League of Women Voters. This riveting discussion about gender equity, childcare, and the importance of women making their voices heard at the polls served as a rallying moment for Women United. Here are a few of my key takeaways from the event. 

This show originally aired on KNVF.

Beth Hendrix, executive director League of Women Voters of Colorado, speaks with KVNF's Lisa Young on the importance of protecting our democracy and the important work of LWV.

This piece was originally published in VTDigger.

This commentary is by Dottye Ricks of Barre Town, a Reproductive Liberty Amendment liaison for the League of Women Voters, of which she’s been a member for more than 30 years. She is a retired public school and university teacher, an elder in the First Presbyterian Church of Barre and a longtime member of the gleaning service group Community Harvest of Central Vermont. 

This story originally aired on WPTV News.

Election Day is less than two weeks away and people want their voices heard. Early voting is already underway in Palm Beach County and one thing is certain— with each voter, comes lots of passion.

This conversation originally aired on C-SPAN's Washington Journal.

League of Women Voters CEO Virginia Kase Solomón talked about women voters and the 2022 midterm elections. 


This profile was originally published in Defender.

For Annie Benifield, voting is in her blood. Her father was a first generation born out of slavery African American, who lived to be 90 years old and never missed an opportunity to vote once he was given the right. Her father passed in 2004, but his dedication has served as fuel to her fire to make voting a priority in her life.

Now, as the first woman of color to lead the League of Women Voters of Houston, Benifield works overtime to get as many people as possible to the polls.

This story originally aired on Inside Kansas Politics.

Jacqueline Lightcap with the League of Women Voters of Kansas discussed what voters need to know before casting their ballot this November.

This story originally aired on News on 6.

The League of Women Voters said approximately 70% of Oklahomans who are eligible to vote are registered, but they also said a small fraction of that number cast ballots on Election Day.

This op-ed was originally published in The Hill.

In this age of hyper-partisanship and polarization, there is a dangerous trend in politics this election cycle: candidates refusing to face their opponents in debates.

This profile was originally published by InForum.

When it comes to civic and community engagement, some people need to be “volun-told” what to do.

Not so for Whitney Oxendahl.

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