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Annual League Survey

LWVUS's Annual Survey will allow us to tell our collective League stories.

Table of Contents

The Annual League Survey

As the League moves into our second century, we know it's critical that we effectively demonstrate our social impact. By demonstrating how we empower voters and defend democracy, we position the organization to remain relevant for the next 100 years, strengthen our brand and garner additional resources to support our initiatives.   

Through the Annual League Survey (formerly known as the Semi-Annual Survey), LWV will better understand Leagues’ activities and priorities. Our ability to tell our individual and collective League stories hinges on state and local Leagues collecting and sharing data. Our focus has been, as a League, what do we do? How do we do it? Who do we do it with? We hope to monitor changes over time while informing strategic decision-making.  

A quote from the 2023 Annual League Survey: 

This comprehensive survey was a great learning tool for our future planning and growth. Team input should be the norm for this type of survey. We can clearly see which areas of League work we have focused on, and which areas offer opportunities for our unit. Formal data tracking will be employed in 2024!

Data Collection in 2024

Data Collection Office Hours

If you'd like to talk to the Evaluation department about collecting data, using data, or just to chat about data practices in general, join the data collection office hours! Held every other Thursday at 4pm EST. These office hours will be open forum.

Register here!

Data Trackers

The 2024 Annual League Survey will be collecting responses at the end of 2024. The survey will ask for data for the full year form each League. Leagues will not find all the questions insightful to their work, and that is ok! We would never expect Leagues to do all of the things in this survey, but if we don’t ask, how will we ever get a true snapshot of who is doing what? Below you will find optional data collection and tracking mechanism that your League can utilize. Have questions about them? Join the office hours linked above!

Google Form

LWVUS worked together on a Google Form that Leagues can edit and use as they would like. It helps collect data about the work being done, completing the Annual League Survey, and showcasing League work. Please see the guidance document before copying the form!

Guidance Document

Google Form

Excel Data Tracker

The Excel data tracker has the metrics that will be asked in the 2024 Annual League Survey. This is an option for collecting and storing data if your League is not interested in the Google Form option.

To download the Excel tracker, click on the tracker below, then click 'file', 'save as', 'save a copy'.

2024 Data Tracker

A few best practices for tracking data:

  • Delegate tracking tasks to those who work with the relevant categories 
  • Set reminders for yourself and your League to update the tracker
  • Estimates are ok! We do not expect your League to track exact numbers for everything

See our Data Collection Toolkit for more information on collecting data!

If your League has any questions about tracking data, please join the office hours or reach out to Holley at [email protected]

Changes to 2024 Survey

There are notable changes to the 2024 Annual League survey including fewer questions, and some new topics noted below:

  • How many people did your League register outside of VOTE411? (e.g. in-person paper voter registration forms or directing people to the state's registration site). Please note that registration numbers are automatically tracked in VOTE411 for each state.
    • LWVUS will incorporate VOTE411 registration data into each League's data after the survey is submitted and will share back with Leagues as requested
  • How many people did your League contact with Get Out The Vote (GOTV)* information? *GOTV: Direct contact to voters with voting information engage in efforts intended to encourage people to vote in an election.
  • What is your League most proud of accomplishing in 2024?
    • The data we collect on this survey tells a great story about what is happening across Leagues, but we want to hear directly from each League about their wins!


2023 Survey PDF 

The 2024 survey will be shorter and the PDF will be published here by the fall. 

Glossary of Terms  

Frequently Asked Questions

To view more detailed FAQs, click here.

When will the survey open, and for how long?

  • The 2024 Annual League Survey will open on the first week of 2025. 

Who will receive my League's individualized survey link?

  • Only one League officer will be emailed with your League's individualized survey link. The hierarchy of who is contacted first is:

1. President/Co-President

2. Executive Director

3. Vice President

4. Treasurer

What if my League does not have an officer listed in the Roster Manager Portal?

  • If your League doesn't have any officers listed, the email with your League's individualized survey link will go to the League-wide email listed, if there is not a League-wide email listed, the survey will go to a member with a request to forward to the correct contact. There are many officers listed with emails that are marked as unsubscribed in our system, so we therefore cannot send an email to that address. Roster Managers are asked to provide updated information in the Roster Manager Portal and email [email protected], if your League has not received an email with a unique link.

Can more than one officer contribute to my Leagues response?

  • Even though an email is sent to one email address, we're asking all of the League officers to help get this survey submitted.

Can I share my link with others?

  • Do not share this link with other Leagues as each link is tied to a specific League. Please direct other leagues to reach out to [email protected] if they have not received an email with a unique link.

Who should I reach out to if I have questions while completing the survey?

  • Please reach out to [email protected] with your questions or to set up a time to connect about the survey. 

How can I prepare before the survey launches in 2025?

  • To best prepare, please download and use the Data Tracker. Your League should also review this Glossary of Terms and FAQs before the survey launches to help your League prepare for the survey.

When will the results of the survey be shared?

  • All Leagues who complete the survey will receive a PDF of their response. On March 25th 2024, we will host a webinar to share general findings from the survey. We will also share raw data of all Leagues in a state and state-level factsheets with state League leaders. 

We are trying to meet the needs of League members in all aspects of our work, and we know there are shortfalls. Please reach out to the evaluation team ([email protected]) if your League needs any assistance filling out the Annual League Survey. 

Note: New Helpful Survey Feature: All progress before the page you're on will be saved. To save what's entered on the current page, respond to all required survey items (marked with a red asterisk *) and click on the red "next" button at the bottom of the survey page. To return to that page, click on the link in the initial invite and reminder emails.

2023 Annual League Survey Results

Watch the 2023 Annual League Survey Results webinar to hear about the national result and a myriad up new data collection and tracking tools!

2023 Annual League Survey Results Webinar Recording

Passcode: ^CGxR9@!

Slide Deck

2023 Annual League Survey National Results

State-Level Factsheets

Want a factsheet showing your 2023 data? Click the button below if your League submitted the 2023 Annual League Survey and would like a designed factsheet!

I'd like a factsheet!

Share Your Impact!

Below Leagues can find Canva templates to highlight their Annual League Survey data from 2023. Templates are sized for social media but can also be used in League emails, reports, etc. Local and state Leagues can find their templates below:

For instructions on how to use Canva templates, click here.

Additional resources from previous surveys can be found here!

There are surveys that reoccur each year for Leagues. Some of the surveys are dependent on grants or types of work your League does, and some are for all Leagues to complete. Please review the timeline of surveys to see when the next survey may head your way!

Timeline of Surveys