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Demonstrating Our Impact: LWV’s Semi-Annual Survey Project

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As the League moves into our second century, we do so with a focus on the importance of effectively telling our social impact story.  

In 2019, I joined the League of Women Voters to help build culture of evaluation focused on outcomes of our work. A core part of this effort is collecting and sharing information. To this end, during the Fall of 2020 we launched the Semi-Annual Survey Project

Through this effort, we field two surveys each year (typically in the November and late Spring) that capture State and Local Leagues’ activities, partnerships, and efforts in key communities. By taking part in the Semi-Annual Survey Project, Leagues play a key role in strengthening our brand. 

The first Semi-Annual Survey (1.1) provides insight into how Leagues engaged in their communities during 2020. The survey was open between November 5, 2020 and December 4th, 2020 and was available to all League entities (State Leagues, Local Leagues, Inter-League Organizations, and MALs) to complete. A total of 479 Leagues responded to the survey (41 State Leagues, 373 Locals Leagues, 5 Inter-League Organizations, 10 MALs).  

The results of the survey are grouped into the following sections:  

  • Election-related activities; 
  • Voters impacted; 
  • Communities engaged; and  
  • Partnerships.  

Election-Related Activities 

During 2020, responding Leagues participated in more than 12,000 election-related activities. Most of these activities included panel discussions, townhalls, forums, rallies, and press conferences.  

Due to COVID-19, many activities were held online. Through these election-related activities, Leagues recruited more than 21,000 volunteers. 

Voters Impacted 

During the 2020, Leagues registered and contacted voters while taking part in Election Day activities.  

Responding Leagues registered more than 58,000 voters through a combination of in-person and online efforts. In total, they contacted more than 90,000 voters through a mix of postcards, emails telephone calls, social media, and texting efforts.  

On Election Day, Leagues took part in several activities to help support elections such as poll observations phone banking and election monitoring.  

Communities Engaged 

Throughout the 2020, Leagues engaged various communities in their electoral work.  

Responding Leagues focused their efforts on students, low-income communities, communities of colors, new citizens, seniors, and veterans.  


Leagues partnered with several groups to carry out out their activities. More than 70% of responding Leagues partnered with civic engagement or good government groups, while half of responding Leagues partnered with educational groups such as PTAs, school administrators, and teachers. More than 50% of responding Leagues partnered with women’s organizations.  

Next Steps

Join us on May 4th, 2021, for a webinar to discuss our second Semi-Annual Survey. During this conversation, we will be joined by LWV Board Members to discuss the areas of focus for the survey and learn about supports to help you track and report on your League’s data. RSVP at this link.

Thank you to all those who contributed to the 2020 survey and our efforts to empower voters nationwide. 

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