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LWV Of Columbia-Boone

Community Leaders

Mahree Skala, Co-President
Mahree Skala, Co-President
sharon schneeberger, Vice President
Susan Adams, Vice President
Kate Canterbury, Membership Chair

League ID




Stories from Around the State

Jefferson City, Mo. - A Cole County Circuit Court judge issued a permanent injunction against four provisions of Missouri House Bill 1878 that criminalized voter engagement efforts and chilled the freedom of speech of organizations whose priorities are to register and educate voters. The challenge was brought by the League of Women Voters of Missouri and the Missouri State Conference of the NAACP, who are represented by the ACLU of Missouri, Campaign Legal Center, and the Missouri Voter Protection Coalition. 

It’s turnout time for the St. Louis chapter of the League of Women Voters. 

Voting is a fundamental right. Yet voters with disabilities face persistent barriers to casting a ballot.

Fortunately, these barriers can be challenged under Section 208 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA), which requires that states allow people with disabilities to receive assistance in the voting process. 

This story was originally published by The Columbia Missourian

Marilyn McLeod’s dedication to democracy started at the public library.

She spent 25 years serving the Columbia community at the Daniel Boone Regional Library before retiring in 2011.

Retirement gave her time to look for a new way to support the community, which led her into leadership with the League of Women Voters.

The League of Women Voters of Missouri issued a joint statement with the League of Women Voters of Kansas City/Jackson-Clay-Platte Counties in response to the mass shooting at the celebratory parade for the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl victory.