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LWV Of Pensacola Bay Area

Community Leaders

Elizabeth King, Co-President
Haley Richards, Co-President
Annelise Reunert, Vice President
Ellen Roston, Vice President
Betty Brannon, Membership Chair

League ID



(850) 937-7769

Stories from Around the State

Op-ed written by Cecile Scoon, vice president of the League of Women Voters of Florida. 

The arc of justice bent briefly toward Florida in November, when citizens here restored the right to vote for most people with felony convictions who have completed their sentences. However, the state legislature devised a way to once again deprive the vote of most of the people we had hoped to re-enfranchise.

The League celebrates 2018 midterms voting rights victories in Florida, Maryland, and Michigan. When it came to issues of elections, voters overwhelmingly selected to expand voting rights.

This November, Florida voters will vote on Amendment 4, which would restore voting rights to ex-felons.

 Julie Kessel, President of the St. Petersburg Florida Area League, talks to The Union Edge about the FIRST municipality post-Citizens United to abolish Super PACs and limit foreign corporate spending in local elections.

Primary and Municipal Elections in the Sunshine State Now Slated for September 26