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LWV Membership

League members standing in front of a LWV branded step and repeat

The League of Women Voters (LWV) is a nonpartisan, grassroots nonprofit dedicated to empowering everyone to fully participate in American democracy. And we need you! 

Join the League of Women Voters and be part of an organization that is: 

  • Empowering millions of voters to exercise their right to vote by holding voter registration drives, sponsoring candidate forums and debates, and informing the public about how to make their voices heard; 
  • Protecting the right to vote and ensuring that every vote is counted by fighting for free, fair, and accessible voting systems; 
  • Advocating for positive change at the local, state, and national level on issues such as civic education, government accountability, and money in politics; and 
  • Fostering civil dialogue about important community issues, such as government spending, fair housing, immigration, and civil liberties. 
Woman registering to vote with clipboard at NVRD event

With active Leagues (chapters) in all 50 states and more than 700 communities, we engage in advocacy, education, litigation, and organizing to protect every American’s freedom to vote. The League is a federated membership organization that is proud to be women-led and over 100 years old, emerging directly out of the women’s suffrage movement in 1920. 

Those who join the League become members of their local League, state League, and the national League. For a more detailed understanding of what it means to be a member of the League, you can review LWV's Member Rights and Responsibilities Policy.


Anyone 16 or older can become a voting member of the League of Women Voters. Those younger than 16 can become League members but will not have the ability to cast a vote in official League business meetings.  

League volunteers holding clipboards at voter registration event

The League of Women Voters' grassroots members make a true impact on the ground in their communities. Membership at the League comes with real opportunities to make a change, empower your neighbors and peers, and move the needle toward a more perfect democracy.  

So, are you ready to empower voters and defend democracy with the League? We’re excited to have you — join us today!


Donate to support our work

to empower voters and defend democracy.