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Jhody was advocating for former felon rights when she was invited to work with the League of Women Voters of Florida on their voting rights restoration campaign. In her work with the League to get a constitutional amendment for re-enfranchisement, Jhody utilized her personal story to lobby for voting rights restoration for formerly incarcerated people like her.
Jhody and her fellow League members achieved passage of Amendment 4 on Florida’s 2018 ballot, which restored voting rights for millions of Floridians. Now, she continues the work, advocating for people with criminal convictions so that their access to the ballot is not limited or diminished.
Through working with the League, Jhody has transitioned from a representative in the movement for re-enfranchisement to a strategic organizer for disenfranchised and marginalized communities.

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Restoring Voting Rights
Alachua County, FL League
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“By sharing our stories, we can shift power, and we can exercise that power through voting.”