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As an engaged community activist in her small Michigan town, Sue first encountered the League of Women Voters while working to get a neighborhood school rebuilt. Through the success of that project, Sue saw the power of the League to reform local government and improve the community. Now an active League member and former Michigan state League president, Sue is focused on growing the future of the League and making sure all votes count.
In her outreach to energize Michiganders about fair districts, Sue grew the Ann Arbor League from just shy of 80 members to over 400. Her hands-on training of voting rights activists has fueled the League’s progress, equipping the next generation of League leadership with the tools needed to defend our democracy.

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Making Sure All Votes Count
Ann Arbor, MI League
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“Joining the League allows you to amplify your voice. You can always write letters or protest, but the difference in being a member is that the League knows how to work the legislative process. By getting involved with the League, you can tackle these issues head-on.”