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Getting money out of politics was what first drew Anna to the League of Women Voters. Eager to join an organization built on grassroots advocacy, they quickly got to work fighting to protect the Maine Clean Elections Act.

Anna is an organizer at heart. Now, as executive director of LWV of Maine, they focus on building an activist network by fostering individual volunteers to build power together.

As a nonbinary person, Anna shares their experience in order to invite fellow League members to think more complexly about gender. For them, it’s about making sure we expand the safe and welcoming space the League has created for women to gender minorities.

With an unwavering dedication to expanding and defending democracy, Anna leads with a clear vision for activating the League’s volunteer network and harnessing their power for real change.

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Anna She Is Me2
Empowering Activists
Maine League
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“We must raise the voices of those who have the hardest time participating in the system, and advocate for the underlying structural changes that will make their voices more powerful.”