Next Tuesday, February 12th, President Obama will deliver his annual State of the Union (SOTU) address, which will outline his key priorities for the year and second term in office. The League will be eagerly tuning in to learn more about how the President plans to tackle our top issues, including money in politics, election reform, climate change, gun safety, and immigration.
To help you follow along, we’ve put together an LWV Bingo game! This will make tracking how the President’s speech matches up with our priorities not only easy, but fun! Download your Bingo board today.
We’re hoping the game, which features three different boards with words based upon the League’s legislative priorities, will lead to an astounding number of Bingo wins as the President addresses the issues we care about! And there’s good reason to be hopeful: It’s been surmised that the SOTU will largely elaborate on last month’s Inaugural Address, in which the President underscored the pressing need to address a number of our legislative priorities, including climate change and election reform.
Are you ready to play along and participate in your democracy? Download your game boards now! And be sure to follow us on Twitter: We’ll be live-tweeting as we watch the SOTU and we’ll be sure to call out when the President’s speech hits on our board. Find us at @LWV and join the conversation by using the hashtags #LWV and #SOTU.
In the meantime, we’ll be looking forward to hearing shouts of “Bingo!” from League members across the country. Good luck!
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