League Demands Funding for Elections in COVID-19 Stimulus Package
Any deal must include at least $2 billion in election funding
WASHINGTON - As the House and Senate work to address the COVID-19 public health crisis, the League of Women Voters of the United States is pushing for legislators to include adequate funding to safeguard the right to vote in the upcoming November election. The League of Women Voters CEO Virginia Kase issued the following statement:
“Congress must take critical action now to ensure that our election system is prepared for necessary adjustments in light of the COVID-19 outbreak. Any funding deal must include a minimum of two billion dollars directed to safely expand voting options while protecting vulnerable communities and voters who need additional assistance, and to ensure in-person voting can be done in a way that is safe and accessible.
“Voters must have a variety of options to safely cast their ballot and it is imperative for Congress to fund those measures that will ensure people do not lose their ability to vote during this pandemic.
“We call on our elected leaders to work together across the aisle and to uphold their oath to defend and protect the Constitution by ensuring the American people can safely participate in our general election this year.”
The League of Women Voters launched a petition calling on Congress to include funding for elections in their next stimulus package.
Contact: Sarah Courtney | 202-263-1332 | [email protected]
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