LWV Reaches over 100,000 Voters for National Voter Registration Day
Leagues to host 500+ registration events and virtual activations on September 19
WASHINGTON – The League of Women Voters is set to reach over 100,000 voters this year for the civic holiday of National Voter Registration Day. National Voter Registration Day is recognized every year during the third week of September, as a nonpartisan civic holiday where organizations come together to register hundreds of thousands of voters on a single day. Since the inception of NVRD in 2012, the League has been the largest on-the-ground partner.
“The right to vote is the backbone of our democracy and it is our mission as the League to ensure that every American can access the ballot,” said Deborah Turner, president of the League of Women Voters of the United States. "As the nation’s largest and longest-standing volunteer-driven voter registration organization, we are determined to use the power and reach of the League to register all eligible voices to ensure their voices are heard in the upcoming elections."
The League of Women Voters works year-round, every year to make sure all Americans, have equal access to the ballot. The League serves voters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, in over 700 communities across the country. The League hosts hundreds of voter registration events each year.
“The goal of National Voter Registration Day is to ensure as many people can make their voices heard ahead of the upcoming elections,” said Morgan Murray, voter engagement programs manager for the League of Women Voters. “Leagues all over the country host events that highlight the importance of voting and encourage Americans to check their voter registration status so they can be prepared for Election Day.”
In addition to voter registration, throughout the year Leagues host candidate forums and distribute education materials for state and local elections through its nonpartisan voter education tool, VOTE411.
Learn more about National Voter Registration Day and how to get ready to vote here.
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