National Voter Registration Day is Tuesday September 26
League of Women Voters to Host 300+ Voter Registration Drives Across the Country
Washington, DC – The League of Women Voters is proud to participate in the sixth annual National Voter Registration Day 2017 (NVRD), a nationwide, nonpartisan effort to register hundreds of thousands of voters on a single day.
As a founding partner of NVRD and the single-largest on-the-ground participating organization, the League and partner organizations will register thousands of voters in person and online Tuesday.
“The League is hosting more than 300 local voter registration drives across the country this week,” said Chris Carson, president of the League of Women Voters. “Our volunteers will be out in force, reaching new voters at bike races, supermarkets, transit stops, gyms and at new citizen ceremonies.”
“There are important elections in many states this year, and we want everyone to have the opportunity to register and vote,” Carson continued. “Local elections matter. Now is the time to make sure your registration, and that of your friends and family, is up to date."
Voters nationwide can find out if they have elections, their states' voter registration deadlines, and more information at Voters in more than 100 communities will find customized information about who is on the ballot in their area.
National Voter Registration Day, founded in 2012 by voting rights and community organizations, including the League of Women Voters, has been a highly effective nonpartisan campaign to register hundreds of thousands of eligible voters through neighborhood events as well as online. Embraced by President Obama, the bipartisan National Association of Secretaries of State, as well as a host of celebrities, corporations, bipartisan elected officials and organizations, National Voter Registration Day is a true celebration of democracy in America.
Contact: Sarah Courtney | 202-263-1332 | [email protected]
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