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Notes from the Field: Student Walkouts and Marches

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As part of our longstanding Youth Voter Registration program, the League was already well on our way to registering students at more than 400 schools nationwide this spring. In the wake of Parkland, students’ inspiring leadership and activism against gun violence has provided countless more platforms for young people to get engaged as voters.

Our volunteers have been out in force, working with passionate students to register new voters at their school walkouts, marches, and other events across the country. The stories we’ve heard share the effect these students have had on our volunteers.

Here are a few notes about this powerful generation and their impact on the ground:

"Our participation in a walkout was amazing and inspiring. The students helped to register their peers by walking from class to class doing presentations, organizing students outside the school, and speaking about the importance of voting."

"We trained about 50 voter registration volunteers who were so excited to be marching and registering voters. One volunteer registered a high school student in front of her entire family, who were taking pictures and cheering for their new voter."

We passed out about 250 "Future Voter" Stickers to the youth in the crowd. It looked very impressive to see that many wearing the stickers and reminding folks that they WILL BE voters.

"We registered voters at the national march in DC. The students inspired us to participate. But our volunteers were equally inspirational - signing up and coming out in numbers we have never seen. The enthusiasm of our younger members was amazing."


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