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As one of few women at her tech company, adorned with tattoo sleeves and ever-changing colored hair, Liz is unafraid to break the mold. In fact, she intentionally lives her life by embracing diversity of perspective.

Liz grew up in a politically active family, tagging along at rallies and volunteering with her parents. So when she expressed frustration at the partisan division she saw impeding progress, her mother, a longtime League member, prompted her to join her local League.


Living in Ohio as a young goverment teacher and community activist, Carolyn wanted to attend the 1980 LWV-sponsored presidential debate. Learning that tickets were only available to Cleveland League members, she joined.


Getting money out of politics was what first drew Anna to the League of Women Voters. Eager to join an organization built on grassroots advocacy, they quickly got to work fighting to protect the Maine Clean Elections Act.

Anna is an organizer at heart. Now, as executive director of LWV of Maine, they focus on building an activist network by fostering individual volunteers to build power together.


As a student, Brendan was engaged in national politics, eager to make a difference. But after graduation, he found himself burnt out—powerless to change decisions that affected him as a young person. That’s when he was approached by his friend’s mother, who asked him to get involved with the New Jersey League.


Moments after she took the oath of citizenship at her naturalization ceremony, Luisa was greeted by the League of Women Voters who encouraged her to use her new rights by registering to vote. After participating in her first election, Luisa wanted to do more—to use her rights to expand others’. She joined the League that had registered her, eager to amplify her newly empowered voice.


Dee’s desire to be a part of an organization that makes a real difference in people’s lives led her to the League of Women Voters while she was still an active duty service member. Now, this Air Force veteran and college educator works tirelessly to motivate her students, neighbors—indeed anyone she meets—to register and vote.


Adena first encountered the League of Women Voters as a college student, when her local League asked her to help register and mobilize her fellow students. Finding herself to be a natural organizer and civic leader, Adena became more and more involved in her Berkeley, CA, League and was eventually elected as the youngest president in their history.