The League joined members and affiliates of The Census Project , urging Congress to include supplemental funding to help the Census Bureau cover costs related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its conduct of the 2020 Census. The League and its partners are asking for support for an additional $1.681 billion for the Census Bureau in FY 2021 and urging awareness of the Bureau’s potential need for supplemental funding due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
The Latest from the League
LWVUS has actively been supporting additional measures for inclusion in the next emergency funding stimulus bills related to the coronavirus.
The League calls on Congress to include at least $2 billion for election funding in COVID-19 (cornoavirus) stimulus package
LWVEF joined the Census Counts campaign and the 143 undersigned organizations urging the Census Bureau to closely examine its adjusted operational timeline and advocate for enhancements to address the severe disruption the COVID-19 crisis has caused for successful completion of the 2020 Census.
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