What can you do to fight climate change? (Blog) 5/31/2019 Have you wondered what you can do to fight climate change? One of the most critical actions is putting a price on carbon emissions.
League Joins Comments Opposing Changes to Coastal Zone Management Act (Legal Document) 4/25/2019 LWVUS and 87 organizations sent comments to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) regarding proposed rulemaking for procedural changes to the Coastal Zone Management Act (…
League Urges Support for HR 9, the Climate Action Now Act (Legal Document) 4/8/2019 The League and coalition partners support passage of HR 9, the Climate Action Now Act.
League Submits Amicus Brief in Juliana v. US (Legal Document) 3/5/2019 The League submitted a brief to the 9th Circuit in the case of Juliana v. US.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Blog) 2/12/2019 In December, the LWV UN Observer for Climate, Robin Tokmakian, and three Delegates (Rebecca Boyd of LWV Wilmette, IL, and Claudia…
League joins over 600 Organizations urging support for bold climate action (Legal Document) 1/10/2019 League urges Congress to propose bold legislation addressing climate change.
The League Urges Trump Administration to Acknowledge the Impact of Climate Change (Press Release) 12/12/2018 League UN Observers for Climate Working with Paris Agreement Parties at International Conference KATOWICE, POLAND - The League of Women Voters of…
Two Climate Reports, One Conclusion: "It’s happening. It’s now." (Blog) 12/4/2018 A United Nations special report and the US National Climate Assessment confirm: climate change is worsening.
League Joins Call to Protect and Strengthen SNAP in Farm Bill (Legal Document) 9/18/2018 The League joined a letter to the conferrees of the Farm Bill asking them to protect and strengthen the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in the final version of the Farm Bill.
Trump Administration Announces Regulation to Replace the Clean Power Plan (Blog) 8/21/2018 The Trump Administration announced their plan to gut the Obama Administration regulation that combats climate change by setting the first-ever federal limits on carbon pollution from power plants.