Get Ready to Take Control on Election Day
When I joined the League of Women Voters as executive director just a few short weeks ago, it was in the midst of yet another busy and important election season, and Leagues across the country had already registered tens of thousands of new voters. Now with just days before state and local elections are scheduled to take place, the League and I are helping to arm all voters with the information they need to take control at the ballot box.
Voters can use to create a personalized voting guide. Simply enter an address to access all the information you need to prepare for Election Day, including details on polling locations and what to expect on your ballot.
Candidates for office at every level are asking for the job of representing you. If elected, the decisions they make will influence public policy for years to come. Every vote helps to decide who gets the job. When you cast your ballot, you’re taking control by telling leaders what issues matter most to you.
Ask your friends and family about their plans for Election Day. Reach out to any new voters you know and share with them so they can plan how and when they’ll vote. Helping them understand the process is a key way to ensure their future participation in our democracy. Once a person has voted, she or he is more likely to vote again in the future.
After 95 years of Making Democracy Work®, the League continues to build on its legacy of empowering people across the country to make their voices heard in the political process and to keep the power of our democracy in the hands of the people. Join with your neighbors on Election Day to weigh in on the issues that matter most to you. Use to answer any questions you have about participating in the upcoming elections.
Thanks to early and absentee voting opportunities, citizens across the country are already casting their ballots in thousands of local and state elections, and I hope you plan to join them on Election Day – Tuesday, November 3.
Election Day 2015 is coming! Now is the time to remind the people in your life to visit to register to vote, make sure that their voter registration record is up-to-date and learn about important voting rules and deadlines in their state. With your help, we’re Making Democracy Work®!
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