Election Day - Tuesday, November 4 - is less than a week away. Thanks to early and absentee voting opportunities, voters across the country are already casting their votes in thousands of local, state and federal elections, and we hope you plan to join them.
These elections are about our jobs, our health, our communities, our security and our future. Take control and commit to vote in these elections.
Voting brings us together as Americans – it is the one time when we are all equal. Voting is your opportunity to support your community and have a say in America’s future. Every vote counts and our votes make a difference.
Our democracy’s future is on the line. Support our democracy and use the power of your vote – take control by voting in this important election and bring your family and neighbors with you to the polls. Showing new voters the ropes is a key way to engage them and ensure their participation. Once a new voter has turned out, s/he is more likely to vote in the future. Together, through our votes, we take control and determine the outcome.
Candidates for office at every level are asking for the job of representing you. The decisions they make in office will influence public policy for years to come. And each vote helps decide who gets the job! When you cast your ballot, you’re telling the leaders who are elected what issues matter most to you.
Take control by weighing in on the issues that matter most to you and commit to voting.
Voting allows you to make an impact on critical issues and policies and VOTE411.org has all the information you need to make sure you are able to cast your ballot. Please share this vital election resource with your friends and family so that they, too, are prepared to vote.
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