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“‘By examining some examples of privatization by federal, state, and local governments, we seek to identify strategies to ensure transparency, accountability, and protection of the common good,’ Lucy Heller, President, League of Women Voters of Bergen County said.”

“The nonpartisan League of Women Voters agrees with several points in the editorial. LWV also can find no proof of voter fraud which photo ID would prevent and is concerned Texas's suit poses risks for the Voting Rights Act.”

“The South Central Indiana League of Women Voters' mission is to encourage and inform potential voters on issues, election processes and to increase voter participation.”

“To assist with voter education Woodland's League of Women Voters is sponsoring a map display of the various local districts to help voters determine in which district(s) they reside.”

“‘The Court gave the Senate a second chance, but the Senate just did exactly what it has done in every redistricting cycle — drawn districts to protect themselves and their political allies rather than protecting the voting rights of all Floridians,’ said Deirdre Macnab, president of the League of Women Voters of Florida.”

“Last spring, Florida made some changes to its election law. Cloaked as technical tweaks, the new laws have the potential to swing the 2012 election.”

This NYT editorial points out that “one reason the United States has a low voter-participation rate is that most states are using 19th-century registration methods in the 21st century.”

“Olivia Thorne, president of the Pennsylvania League of Women Voters, said any changes to the size of the state House should be accompanied with a reformed process for redrawing the state's districts.”

“Voters will decide in November whether government-issued photo identification should be required when voting in Minnesota, after lawmakers approved the ballot measure Wednesday and ended a years-long dispute.”

“There are all kinds of nitty gritty decisions that have to be made before you put an election together,” said Linda Krefting, vice president of the League of Women Voters of Texas.”

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