League Joins Amicus Brief in King v. Burwell (Article) 1/29/2015 The League has joined an amicus brief in the case of King v. Burwell, which will be heard by the Supreme Court on March 4.
LWVMA Continues Fight to Preserve Women’s Access to Reproductive Health Facilities (Blog) 1/22/2015 The League of Women Voters of Massachusetts guest blogs on their new buffer zone law for the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Massachusetts Abortion Clinic Buffer Zone Law (Blog) 7/1/2014 The League of Women Voters of Massachusetts is disappointed with the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in McCullen v. Coakley that the Massachusetts buffer zone law, as written, is unconstitutional.
Hobby Lobby Decision Jeopardizes Women's Right to Equal Health Care (Press Release) 6/30/2014 Today's Supreme Court decision on contraceptive coverage dealt a serious blow to women’s right to equal health care in America.
The National Voter Registration Act Turns 21! (Blog) 5/20/2014 Have you registered to vote or updated your voter registration at your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or another public government agency? Then you have the National Voter Registration Act…
The Affordable Care Act: A Gigantic Opportunity for America's Democracy (Blog) 4/23/2014 The National Voter Registration Act requires public assistance agencies to provide voter registration opportunities to applicants, and the Health Benefit Exchanges are public assistance agencies.
League Urges Administration to Fully Implement the NVRA at ACA Health Benefit Exchanges (Legal Document) 4/22/2014 The League joined with Demos, Project Vote and allied groups to urge the Obama Administration to fully implement the National Voter Registra
Eyes on the Prize: Health Care for All (Blog) 3/20/2014 This month marks the fourth anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The League was a strong advocate for the legislation when it was debated and passed by Congress in 2010.
Supreme Court Preview: The Affordable Care Act, Contraceptive Coverage and Religious Freedom (Blog) 3/18/2014 On March 25, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in two cases that challenge the Affordable Care Act mandate that employers are required to provide contraceptive coverage.
Honoring Women Legislators (Blog) 3/13/2014 Yesterday, the League of Women Voters joined with Rachel’s Action Network (RAN) to host a breakfast honoring the women of the U.S. Congress.