Democracy Truth Project (Article) 1/8/2025 The Democracy Truth Project (DTP) is one of the four pillars of LWV’s “Women Power Democracy” campaign. Its goal is to provide the public with the information and tools to participate in…
2022 Election Impact Report (Article) 11/10/2022 Despite anti-voter laws, mis- and disinformation, election deniers, and poll worker shortages, the American voters showed up to cast their ballots and make their voices heard. This is in no…
Women Power Democracy (Article) 7/2/2021 ‘Women Power Democracy,’ the new programmatic focus of the League of Women Voters, will advance a stronger, more representative American democracy.
Election Report Supporter Toolkit (Article) 5/13/2021 The 2020 election saw us facing unprecedented challenges, including a global pandemic, rampant mis- and disinformation, and claims of voter fraud. The League's 2020 Election Impact Report shows how…
Digital Media Content for Promoting VOTE411 Videos (Article) 6/1/2020 Help us spread the word this election season by sharing our digital assets.
How does impeachment work? (Article) 10/22/2019 Impeachment does not mean removal of an elected official from office. As a nonpartisan organization, the League of Women Voters offers this unbiased information to voters seeking to learn…
League Supports Legislation to Mitigate Harm to Children at U.S. Borders (Article) 6/26/2019 The League joined more than 150 organizations in support of the Humane Enforcement and Legal Protections (HELP) for Separated Children Act and Help for Separated Families Act (H.R. 3451/H.R.…
League Endorses Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act (Article) 8/21/2018 The League endorsed the Anti-Corruption and Public Integrity Act introduced by Senator Warren.
League Calls on Congress to Defund Hate (Article) 6/18/2018 The League joined nearly 300 organizations calling on members of Congress to reduce funding for detentions and deportations and provide zero funding for an unnecessary border wall.
League Urges U.S. Senators to Support Honest Ads Act (Article) 4/23/2018 LWVUS sent a letter to U.S. Senate offices encouraging Senators to cosponsor and pass S. 1989 the Honest Ads Act. Members of the LWVUS Lobby Corps will also be visiting offices on this topic.