Get Your Grads Vote-Ready!
Updated June 4, 2024
Congratulations to your recent grad!
Graduation is an incredible achievement. They've spent countless hours learning about the world around them, formulating their own ideas, conversing with people whose experiences differ from their own, and developing their own worldviews.
In other words, they've honed one-of-a-kind perspectives that must be heard — and one way to elevate those voices is through their vote.
To celebrate your grad and empower them to start their democratic journey, we've compiled the following postcards directing them towards all the tools they'll need to vote at Share them via email, social media, or however you prefer to chat with your loved one!
Once again, congratulations!

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Graduation is a major milestone. We want to help recent graduates become active and engaged members of their new communities – help us encourage them to register to vote! did more than just help me register to vote. It also gave me the information I needed to vote for the very first time this Election Day.
What do Justin Timberlake, Rosario Dawson, Donna Brazile and Taye Diggs all have in common? They’re using to vote this Election Day!
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