Washington, DC (March 27, 2012) – League of Women Voters national President, Elisabeth MacNamara issued the following statement regarding the Obama Administration's new rules, released earlier today, regulating carbon emissions for future power plants.
“EPA’s action on new fossil-fuel power plants is a necessary and long-delayed first step in controlling the carbon pollution that is harming our health,” she said.
“EPA and the Administration deserve credit for taking this important step. Carbon pollution’s biggest contributor comes from power plants in the United States,” added MacNamara. This rule ensures that there is a uniform national limit on the amount of carbon emissions that new power plants will emit, and falls in line with steps that states across the U.S. and industry officials are already working to implement.
“Today the EPA took an historic step towards protecting our children and the environment,” MacNamara said. “As with the Cross State Air Regulations and the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards, the Obama Administration continues to show their commitment to put people before polluters. The League looks forward to encouraging the public to participate by adding their comments on this historic standard, and to the Administration issuing additional standards for existing dirty coal plants in the future,” concluded MacNamara.
Contact: Kelly Ceballos, [email protected]
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