Redistricting (Topic Page) Redistricting, or community districting, is the process of creating representational district maps for states and local communities. By determining which neighborhoods are included in each mapped…
LWVUS Position on Redistricting (Article) 6/20/2018 This is the Leagues official position on redistricting as adopted by the delegates at the 2016 LWVUS Convention.
The League's Impact on Redistricting (Blog) 7/28/2022 In September 2019, the League launched its national redistricting effort People Powered Fair Maps™ (PPFM). PPFM aimed to create greater transparency, fairness, and public participation in the…
COVID-19, the Census, and Redistricting (Blog) 5/27/2020 Because of COVID-19, the Census has been forced to propose changes to its operating timeline and the dates for sending data regarding apportionment and redistricting.
The Hill: Pandemic imperils redistricting reform efforts (News Clips) 7/22/2020 The coronavirus outbreak has caused disruption for redistricting reform in states where groups have attempted to use the ballot initative process to reform the redistricting process.
Stopping Partisan Gerrymandering and Protecting Independent Redistricting Commissions (Blog) 6/30/2015 The U.S. Supreme Court issued a big victory for citizen-led democracy. In a 5-4 decision in Arizona State Legislature v. Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission, the Court found that voters can…
Leagues and Redistricting Reform: Creating Representative Districts (Blog) 7/18/2014 Like the Florida League, Leagues across the country are seeking solutions to the issue of redistricting and gerrymandered Congressional districts.
League Joins Statement on Appropriate Data for Redistricting (Legal Document) 4/30/2021 LWVUS joined a statement by Advancing Justice, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and National Conference on Citizenship to warn inappropriate data for redistricting.
Voter-Initiated Independent Redistricting Commissions Found Constitutional (Press Release) 6/29/2015 Today, the Court rejected the Arizona legislature's argument that only they can conduct federal redistricting under the U.S. Constitution.
3 Cases of Redistricting Reform: 2018 vs. Today (Blog) 4/5/2022 In November of 2018, voters passed ballot initiatives in three states to curb gerrymandering by reforming the redistricting process. Four years later, as redistricting battles once again sweep the…