The College Voter's To-Do List
If you're heading off to college, this is probably the first year you're qualified to make your voice heard in our democracy.
And the issues you're voting on -- from reproductive rights to climate protection to taxes -- are going to impact you in a whole new way now that you're a legal adult.
It can be an intimidating prospect, but never fear! We've got your election prep to-do list below.
1. Register to vote in your (new?) state
First up, register to vote! And if you've already registered in your home state but are moving for school, make sure to register in your new state. You can check your registration and/or register easily on
2. Put upcoming elections on your calendar
Figure out when the next elections in your area are and put them on your calendar. Set up reminders for the deadlines to register, submit your ballot by mail (if relevant), etc.
3. Check your state's voting rules
You may be dealing with different rules in your college town than you did at home. Check the rules on voting by mail, ID requirements, and more.

4. Save these contacts
If you need help while voting, there are hotlines you can call. Save these numbers on your phone:
1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (en Español)
1-888-API-VOTE (Asian multilingual assistance)
1-844-YALLA-US (Arabic)
5. Learn about the issues your community is facing
Learn more about the issues in your college town and get involved by joining your local League! In addition to keeping you informed, the volunteer experience will also look great on your resume.
6. Expand your knowledge
Chances are, your college has some sort of social science requirement; this is the perfect opportunity to become better versed in how our democracy works. Enroll in a civics or government class to enhance your democratic knowledge.
By following these six steps, you'll be more than prepared to make your voice heard as a new voter.
Congratulations, and thank you in advance for your work defending our democracy!
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