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Deirdre Mcnab, president of the League of Women Voters of Florida writes about how the problems at the polls on Election Day 2012 resulted in the recent changes in Florida's election laws, including increased early voting.

It struck me that the League doesn’t just ask others, like Congress to pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform or the Supreme Court to continue to protect voting rights, we foster civic life and democracy through the very way we operate.

Next week, a Raleigh court will hear evidence detailing how North Carolina's flawed 2011 redistricting plan was intentionally designed to harm hundreds of voters, especially those living in minority communities.

The League was proud to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), which has helped register millions of eligible Americans.

EDITORIAL NOTE: This blog post was originally posted on the Huffington Post.

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), we’re joining with Project Vote and other voting rights advocates for a tweet chat!

As the Senate Judiciary Committee takes steps to tackle immigration reform, we must urge our Senators to allow immigrants to contribute to the U.S. economy and society by providing a clear pathway to citizenship.

Gathering state and local election officials along with nonprofit partners, the LWVNJ recognized the hard work, dedication and community spirit that prevailed after Hurricane Sandy ripped through the state last fall.

The summer and fall months of 2013 are shaping up to play an important role in the fight to reform our broken campaign finance system. Here’s a little more detail on what is going on around this issue.

In November, millions of Americans spent hours waiting in long lines in order to exercise their right to vote. One solution? Implement better early voting laws. Leagues in Florida and New York are showing us how it's done.

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