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People Powered Fair Maps

Crowd gathered with people powered fair maps signs

People Powered Fair Maps™ is a national redistricting program of the League of Women Voters focused on creating fair political maps nationwide in all 50 states + DC. 

In June 2019, the US Supreme Court ruled in Rucho v. League of Women Voters of North Carolina that no fair test exists for courts to determine when partisan gerrymandering has gone too far. As a result, federal courts will be hands-off in the redistricting process even when new district lines are drawn to intentionally decrease the voting power of voters based solely on their political party.

People Powered Fair Maps™ launched in September 2019 to create fair and transparent, people-powered redistricting processes that eliminate partisan and racial gerrymandering nationwide. 

Why PPFM Matters

Once drawn, our maps determine how we're represented in the government for the next ten years. This means all state and local decisions on health care, jobs, the environment, education, and more rely on fair maps.

Through People Powered Fair Maps™, the League is committed to ensuring that maps are drawn fairly and accurately, with all voices considered and equitably represented. This can only be achieved, with voices from all communities. Connect with your state or local League for opportunities to have a voice in how maps are drawn in your community.  

Impact by the Numbers

Statistics from the PPFM program from 2019-2022

As a result of PPFM's efforts, Leagues engaged 1.4 million people in the redistricting process as of 2022; through their efforts, they submitted and implemented 5 fairer district maps. 

During the same period, Leagues partnered with more than 2.4k organizations, coalitions, and groups to help build a movement for People Powered Fair Maps™.  

Leagues have held more than 3.6k virtual and in-person events and forums.  

Read more in our 2019-2022 PPFM Impact Report.

 Focus Areas

Icon of Open Book

Civic Engagement & Education  

GOAL: Deepen U.S. residents’ education and engagement in their community around redistricting processes  

Civic engagement and education are critical components of elevating People Powered Fair Maps™. The League will work to grow civic engagement and education nationwide to ensure that the public knows what’s at stake, how and when to get involved, and how to hold map drawers accountable to their communities. Leagues will work to deepen relationships with and center the voices and experiences of those most disproportionately impacted by gerrymandering in their localities, leveraging tools for organizing and engagement, like social media, recruiting volunteers, and driving voter contact efforts.   

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Independent Redistricting Commissions   

GOAL: Support Implementation of Independent Redistricting Commissions  

The League will take action by supporting the implementation of independent redistricting commissions in 2021. Leagues in states with Independent Redistricting Commissions will engage the public to apply for commission seats, observe the map-drawing process, and provide input in the process to achieve fair maps.   

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State Constitutional Options  

GOAL: Monitor changes and protect free/fair clauses in 15 state constitutions  

In this focus area, the League will actively monitor and work to protect the “free and fair” clause in state constitutions. And push to protect public transparency in the process.  

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State Legislative Fixes  

GOAL: Pass, protect, and lobby for state laws that create or further a fair redistricting process in 26 states 

The League seeks opportunities to improve public input in the redistricting process and coordinate with states to identify legislation that will set standard criteria for drawing maps, as well as moving forward laws that protect and increase transparency.  

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Federal Legislative Fixes  

GOAL: Pass the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, implementing fair redistricting processes nationwide 

At the federal level, the League of Women Voters will push for the restoration of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and work to pass legislation that is comprised of voter protection and protecting the redistricting process from racial and partisan gerrymandering.

Further Reading: People Powered Fair Maps

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