Citizens United
Campaign finance laws continue to empower corporations and the super-rich, making it difficult for the rest of the country to make their voices heard.
The first bill introduced by the 116th Congress will make our election system more free, fair, and accessible to all eligible Americans.
Same Day Registration is the best stop-gap solution to solve errors in the registration process, fix inaccuracies in voter rolls, reduce provisional ballots, and increase voter participation.
Julie Kessel, President of the St. Petersburg Florida Area League, talks to The Union Edge about the FIRST municipality post-Citizens United to abolish Super PACs and limit foreign corporate spending in local elections.
For 25 years the presidential public financing system, which has put value on small donors in our electoral process, has served the nation well. Unfortunately, Congress failed to modernize the system, and the Presidential Election Campaign Fund is broken today.
President Obama called for “reduc[ing] the influence of money in our politics, so that a handful of families or hidden interests can’t bankroll our elections” during his final State of the Union speech. As we mark the sixth anniversary of Citizens United v. FEC, here are four solutions for fighting the influence of money in politics.
It’s time to close this loophole that is letting too much big money into our elections. Stand up today and urge your Representatives to strengthen the coordination rules!
This week, the FEC held a rare public hearing. We testified about our work to stop the influence of money in politics.
President MacNamara offered testimony at a hearing held by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) on February 11, 2015. The hearing follows a comment period where thousands of citizens expressed their concern over the need for stricter disclosure rules and to strengthen regulations on coordination between candidates and secret, dark money groups. President MacNamara called on the agency to update regulations on campaign finance laws to provide full disclosure in light of recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions Citizens United and McCutcheon v. FEC.
The League of Women Voters is observing the 5th anniversary of Citizens United with a renewed resolve to limit the influence of money in politics.