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It’s time to reform the Federal Election Commission. Tell Congress to support the Federal Election Administration Act of 2016. The new Federal Election Administration (FEA) would be comprised of five commissioners and would end gridlock at the commission and put the public’s interests over partisan interests.

On Earth day, world leaders will gather at the United Nations to sign the agreement put together during the UN Climate Conference in Paris. The historic agreement signaled the commitment to fight climate change by a global coalition.

The Effective Community Engagement award will reward innovative democracy-building programs that prioritized successful recruitment and engagement of strategic partners and/or new volunteers, particularly those focused on better serving key underrepresented groups such as young voters and new citizens. Anyone can vote and the polls will close on May 31.

For 25 years the presidential public financing system, which has put value on small donors in our electoral process, has served the nation well. Unfortunately, Congress failed to modernize the system, and the Presidential Election Campaign Fund is broken today.

With Women’s History Month 2016 wrapping up, League president Elisabeth MacNamara joined with other women’s political and history experts at the Sewall-Belmont House and Museum to discuss women’s leadership and public service and their impact on public policy in both a historical and contemporary context.

This year we are partnering with AIGA, the professional association for design, for a Get Out the Vote initiative seeking to motivate Americans to register and turnout to vote on Election Day – Tuesday, November 8.

On the sixth anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act, the U.S. Supreme Court will be hearing arguments in the case of Zubik v. Burwell, which challenges the health care law's contraceptive coverage provision.

The Your Vote is Your Voice! Empowered Women Vote seeks to empower women in our community, particularly those underserved, to better engage them in the political process.

To celebrate Women’s History Month and the League's history of Making Democracy Work®, we’ve put together a brief slide show highlighting a few of the our accomplishments over the last 96 years.

Our 2016 Youth Voter Registration Program has registered over 4,000 young voters so far! Early data from the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement show that young people are voting in primaries at levels we have not seen for some time.

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to empower voters and defend democracy.