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In a time of great cynicism about politics and apathy among voters, Suffragette serves as a good reminder to look back and remember what life was like for those once excluded from the political process.

LWV of North Carolina and Democracy North Carolina interviewed local election officials to get an on-the-ground view of voting administration resources and procedures.

The 2016 primaries are not the only important elections coming up. On Tuesday, November 3,  thousands of important state and local elections will happen across the country.

I was drawn to join the League because of its noted impact on American history and politics coupled with my desire to continue to serve and support mission-focused organizations that work on issues about which I am passionate.

Help us reach unregistered voters before their state’s voter registration deadline passes – send our eCard to people you know who have moved, turned 18, changed their name or recently became a citizen!

In the past month, four states have taken a step to improve access to the polls. Voters in Pennsylvania and Nebraska can now register to vote online, while Iowa and Kentucky will have online voter registration systems by early 2016.

League members and supporters understand that progress – the kind that sticks – doesn’t come easy or quick but it does come if you keep pushing.

National Voter Registration Day (NVRD) 2015 is over, but we’ll be smiling about the results for a long time to come! Here’s what excited us most about National Voter Registration Day.

It may not even be Election Day 2015, but we all know that the battle for the White House in 2016 is already well underway.

For the fourth straight year, organizations across the country are celebrating National Voter Registration Day by registering thousands of new voters. Join us in helping register voters!

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to empower voters and defend democracy.