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Our Youth Voter Registration Program kicked off in nearly 40 communities nationwide. We will visit high schools, community colleges and vocational schools to help young people register to vote.

We have 60 days to tell the EPA we support this effort to reduce the deadly effects that carbon pollution has on the health of our children and our environment. The EPA needs to hear from you—add your voice in favor of this historic regulation!

Photo voter ID laws, which are increasingly being rolled out across the country, are particularly costly and burdensome for women.

In 2014, we hope to build upon our recent victories protecting the right to vote and focus on proactive election reforms, while also continuing to battle back against attacks on voting rights at the local, state and national levels.

The League is able to participate fully in the case between the states of Kansas and Arizona and the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) on documentary proof-of-citizenship on voter registration forms.

We did it! Thanks to supporters like you, our participation in last week’s nationwide day of giving - #GivingTuesday - was a huge success!

It's possible that when we look back at 2013, we'll see it as a watershed year - the year America realized we need to expand access to the polls, not create new barriers to voting.

A guest blog post from the League of Women Voters of Johnson County, KS on their testimony to the Environmental Protection Agency on carbon pollution from existing power plants.

What the League has done to lead efforts on comprehensive immigration reform and gun control legislation.

We’re thankful for our members and supporters who work tirelessly to advocate for free, fair and accessible elections by registering voters, holding candidate debates and forums, fighting back against attacks on voting rights and more.

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to empower voters and defend democracy.