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In 1920, a single vote in the Tennessee legislature guaranteed that the 19th Amendment, securing women the right to vote would, at last, become law.

The League of Women Voters of California is celebrating a historic voting rights victory: the right to vote is being restored to nearly 60,000 people who had previously been incarcerated.

I enjoy seeing the historical moments the League has been involved in captured in the memorabilia on our office walls.

The League of Women Voters of Oklahoma recently helped secure a big victory for voters in their state by reaching an agreement with the State Election Board and state agencies ensuring compliance with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993.

Last week, the first debate for the 2016 presidential election took place. Here are a few things you can do to get the most out of watching future debates.

Fifty years ago today, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act (VRA) into law, calling the day ''a triumph for freedom." The VRA was an historic achievement that changed America.

The Clean Power Plan is the biggest and most ambitious action the U.S. has ever taken to tackle climate change. Read on for just a few key parts of the plan.

The EPA has released its Clean Power Plan, the first ever limit on carbon pollution from power plants. Sign our thank you card to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and President Obama!

League members don’t just talk the talk, they walk the walk. When a problem arises, League members join with others to focus on the challenge and try to solve it.

Our friends at CIRCLE have crunched the latest census data on young people and political participation. The news isn't great, but their report underlines key ways to increase turnout in 2016.

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