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This year, League volunteers will be out in force in over 25 communities across 15 states as part of our Youth Voter Registration program, with the goal of holding voter registration events in more than 200 high schools and community/vocational schools.

EDITORIAL NOTE: This blog post was written by our intern, Anne Richard

World leaders in Paris put people before polluters when the world’s countries agreed to reduce carbon pollution. The Paris agreement is an historic moment in the fight against climate change.

To celebrate the League’s 95th year Making Democracy Work®, we’ve put together a brief slide show highlighting some of the victories you helped us win in 2015.

Evenwel v. Abbott, a case out of Texas, has the potential to upset the criteria for drawing state and local legislative districts so that they would be determined by the total number of voters instead of total population. The League submitted an amicus brief in Evenwel that supports the current practice of drawing district lines.

With your help, we met the goal of our Giving Tuesday Matching Gift—doubling your generosity. This support couldn’t come at a more important time. We have pledged to make 2016 a record-breaking year for voter registration, education and mobilization.

Thanksgiving is a day when we join with our family and friends to reflect on all that we are thankful for. You, together with all of the League’s supporters, have made this an amazing year for the League of Women Voters and for our democracy.

#GivingTuesday is a day to support the organizations that mean the most to us, and that is why I will be supporting the League of Women Voters. I hope you will, too!

Send the League of Women Voters of Kansas a message of support — they recently launched an emergency initiative to reach all voters that the Secretary of State of is attempting to purge from the voter rolls.

As we reflect on the many things we are thankful for this year, I hope you will join me in sending the Oklahoma League a thank you for a job well done in bringing their state into compliance with the National Voter Registration Act!

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to empower voters and defend democracy.