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Voter Registration

Watch our new video, which outlines five ways to improve our elections.

Over the last week, we saw three big wins for voting rights at the state level. It is, we hope, a bellwether of things to come.

As a citizen of both the U.S. and the U.K., I believe it is important to be politically engaged in both of the countries that I call home.

Hold your mouse over the images to see how the League of Women Voters has helped educate and empower voters – past and present!

"I get to be part of an organization that helps millions of voters stand up for what they believe in every single year."

The League of Women Voters of St. Louis is excited to help engage and empower Ferguson residents to take part in their government and wield influence over their community moving forward.

The League of Women Voters of the Austin Area guest blogs on their recent Partner Recognition Award for their voter registration work.

Online voter registration is taking hold across the country. But almost every system leaves out a significant part of the population – citizens who don’t have a driver’s license or ID.

League member Judy Stuthman led an effort to attend every citizenship ceremony held in Minnesota since 2007, taking part in helping register over 62,000 new Americans.

As young people, we’re helping shape the future of our country, and it's our responsibility to turn out in large numbers on November 4!