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Deirdre Mcnab, president of the League of Women Voters of Florida, guest blogs on their advocacy work to get Florida to expand the Medicaid program through the Affordable Care Act.

How the League will be celebrating Women’s History Month, including honoring the great work women have done to strengthen our country and democracy.

I’ve been a proud League of Women Voters staffer and a local volunteer since 2006. In my work I’ve had the opportunity to work with hundreds of inspiring League volunteers and seen large-scale voter empowerment efforts come to life.

I attended a panel discussion called about women in politics; all of New Hampshire’s top political jobs (Governor and Congressional Delegation) are currently filled by women.

We must do better when it comes to youth voting participation, especially among minority and low income youth and those who do not have a traditional college education.

Check out our Storify to follow how the President's State of the Union address touched on the League's issues!

In last night’s annual State of the Union (SOTU) address, President Obama laid out his priorities for the coming year. Here’s the rundown of what he said on our issues and how it aligns with League positions.

We’re back with our annual League of Women Voters SOTU Bingo! We hope President Obama will address our top policy priorities. Download your Bingo board now!

To mark the 41st anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade, the League of Women Voters of Texas guest blogged on the new abortion restrictions in their state.

"We are glad that, by upholding voting rights, the judge ruled on the side of the people of Pennsylvania," said the League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania (LWVPA), the lead organizational plaintiff in the lawsuit.

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