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The League of Women Voters of the United States, alongside its Alabama, Georgia and Kansas affiliates, filed a federal lawsuit against the executive director of the Election Assistance Commission to prevent these states from requiring documentary proof-of-citizenship when registering voters using the federal mail voter registration form.

In honor of our 96th anniversary as well as Presidents’ Day, we are calling upon our supporters to help us in Making Democracy Work and bringing new voters into our electoral process this year.

With the election cycle now in full swing, we’re pleased to share the League of Women Voters' presidential voters’ guide to help voters learn about the candidates and their visions for America’s future.

The U.S. Supreme Court temporarily put the Obama Administration's ‪‎Clean Power Plan. The League has been working to push the Obama Administration to develop and implement this historic regulation for years and we will continue to work to ensure that the it is implemented properly in every state. ‪

President Obama called for “reduc[ing] the influence of money in our politics, so that a handful of families or hidden interests can’t bankroll our elections” during his final State of the Union speech. As we mark the sixth anniversary of Citizens United v. FEC, here are four solutions for fighting the influence of money in politics.

Millions of voters will vote in the presidential primaries. The rules about the primaries, including when they are held and who can participate, vary widely by state. Here’s a quick look to help answer your questions about this pivotal part of our voting system.

President Obama delivered his final State of the Union address, and discussed the need to invest in civic engagement and improve our voting and elections systems. Check out our Storify as the League and our supporters live-tweeted the speech!

In addition to lobbying the 114th Congress in support of our priorities, the League is working on a number of important policy proposals put forth by the President and agencies of the federal government. We will also be participating in litigation that could have a major impact on laws and regulations.

Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court considered the issue of racial equality in education in the case of Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin. The League joined an amicus brief concerning civil rights and equal access to education.

Leagues across the country can expect to have a busy 2016 legislative session, with the majority of state legislatures beginning their sessions in January. Voters' rights and election laws will be brought to the forefront once again in 2016, and with elections at every level of government, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

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