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This week, the FEC held a rare public hearing. We testified about our work to stop the influence of money in politics.

In honor of League of Women Voters’ Day on February 14 – and that lesser known holiday, Valentine’s Day – here are seven vintage suffrage Valentines to remind us of the importance of the vote, both in 1920 and today.

The League was pleased to join dozens of voting rights advocates, state and local elections officials, congressional staff and academics at last week’s 2015 Voting and Elections Summit in Washington D.C.

The League’s advocacy work in the courts, just like our lobbying in Congress and with the Executive, builds our influence in the political process.

In honor of the League of Women Voters' 95th anniversary, here are 10 ways the League has helped strengthen our democracy and ensure equality over the past century.

The League of Women Voters of Massachusetts guest blogs on their new buffer zone law for the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

Check out our Storify to catch up on the President’s speech and to see how our Bingo boards played out!

Your comments to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) underscore that you believe that Americans have a right to know who is funding our nation’s political campaigns.

The League of Women Voters is observing the 5th anniversary of Citizens United with a renewed resolve to limit the influence of money in politics.

On Tuesday, January 20, President Barack Obama will deliver his annual State of the Union (SOTU) address. What better way to engage with our democracy than by playing the League of Women Voters’ annual State of the Union Bingo?

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to empower voters and defend democracy.