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Legislation that responds to the Shelby decision will now come to the floor of the U.S. House. H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA), has broad support from civil rights and voting rights groups across the country. 

Election Day is tomorrow in many states! You’ve made your plan, you’ve found your ballot information, and now it’s time to get out and vote! 

As the League prepares for 2020 and continues to defend democracy, it is the power of women like Virginia and each of us that is advancing this movement.

Our state leaders met last week in Dulles, VA, to learn and strategize on how they could organize, empower, and mobilize their state leagues to accomplish our goal to end partisan gerrymandering.

After the Supreme Court's decision in the Rucho case this past June, "failing to take a stand for voters and...limit...partisan gerrymandering," we promised to  fight harder than ever.

As you think about your plan for voting this year—whether you take advantage of early and absentee voting opportunities in your state, or you vote on Election Day November 5th—I hope you will encourage your loved ones to make a plan, too.

We were proud to take part in one of the largest global protests in history. Children of all ages filled the lawn of the Capitol and the surrounding avenues, practicing their first amendment rights.

Last month we were joined by Hon. Gabriela Cuevas Barron, Hon. Sunna Aevarsdottir, Sen. Susan Kihika, and Ginger Gibson for a panel discussion on violence against women in politics.

September 19th dawned crisp and bright as DC citizens streamed into the Rayburn HOB to be present at the first DC Statehood hearing held by the House in 26 years.

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to empower voters and defend democracy.