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June 25th marked the third anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision Shelby County v. Holder and civil rights and voting rights groups participated in a panel on Capitol Hill to highlight the ramifications of the decision. Panelists emphasized the need to pass the Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA), saying that raising the temperature for Congress around restoring the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA) in the media in the upcoming months is a “must do”.

June 25 marks the three-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision to gut key provisions of the Voting Rights Act (VRA). We’ve had three years of bad laws that make voting harder in states all across the country. But there is a solution. Tell Congress to repair and modernize the Voting Rights Act TODAY!

I attended the United State of Women Summit hosted by the White House, which highlighted the White House’s initiatives on women and girls, was a star studded event with political heavy weights, Hollywood elites and business leaders.

Hundreds of League members from around the country will be lobbying their U.S. Senators and Representatives on Capitol Hill to advocate for the Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA).

The League team is taking a moment to reflect on this spring’s “Use Your Voice” tour, featuring Patty Griffin, Sara Watkins, Anais Mitchell, and nearly 40 local League volunteer teams nationwide.Overall, League representatives spoke directly to tens of thousands of voters through the tour.

Despite the stay on implementation of the Clean Power Plan, some states are moving forward to develop state plans to implement the regulation in their own jurisdictions. The LWVUS Climate Change task force has developed a working guide for those wishing to get involved at the state level.

Congratulate the graduates you know on their achievement and encourage them to register to vote with our eCard.The League’s eCard directs recipients to where new voters can easily start the voter registration process.

The Obama Administration announced the first-ever-regulations to cut methane emissions in the oil and gas industry. League supporters sent thousands of comments to the Environmental Protection Agency in support of this rule.

Action on voting rights in 2016 looks very similar to last year. On the whole, states are passing less restrictive election laws, and even better, more and more states are reforming their election process to help voters.

It’s time to reform the Federal Election Commission. Tell Congress to support the Federal Election Administration Act of 2016. The new Federal Election Administration (FEA) would be comprised of five commissioners and would end gridlock at the commission and put the public’s interests over partisan interests.

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